Emily Davison threw herself under the King’s horse on the 4th June 1913, almost 100 years ago to the day of Eton’s recent 4th June celebrations. She died of her injuries a few days later, on 8th June. The Suffragette began publication in 1912 following a spilt in the Women’s Social and Political Union, born of their increasingly militant action. This Friday 13th June 1913 issue of The Suffragette commemorates her sacrifice.

Emily Davison achieved a first class honours in English Literature at Oxford but could not graduate because of her sex. Her later writings are mostly about her militant activities; she hid in the House of Commons three times and threw herself down the prison steps because she felt ‘a tragedy was wanted’ for the cause. This lends credence to the argument that her protest on the 4th June was an act of suicide, but a return train ticket was found on her person.
Written by Louise Anderson, @LibrarianLCA